Computer Technology

I've been into computer programming ever since I was a kid. Back when I was about 10 my dad bought me a book on QBASIC programming. After that came C. Then HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Then in college: Java, C#, Visual Basic, .NET, SQL, Linux shell scripting, and more. Throughout my career I have taken extensive notes on all kinds of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other topics. The details of all these are more than I could ever fit in my head. Let's see if I can make some of these notes public and help others besides myself. I expect this section of the website to grow rather large, so I have organized it into the sub-sections below.

DatabasesSystems for storing, indexing, and retrieving information
GitSource code version control with git
HTML and CSSHTML and CSS notes (minimal, because this is a big topic)
React NotesNotes on the React JavaScript framework
Docker and ContainersOverview of docker and container technogies
DockerNotes on docker (more technical)
R and DockerNotes on using R in docker images
Regular Expression Cheat SheetCheat sheet / reference for Regular Expressions
Builder Pattern in JavaReference code for the Builder pattern
Corporate ProxyHow to deal with the annoying corporate proxy and firewall
GPL Beer Clause LicenseA funny little software license that requires the user of the software to buy the author a beer
The Tao of ProgrammingA quick little read that will make programmers smile and enjoy their nerdhood.