Computer Technology
I've been into computer programming ever since I was a kid. Back when I was about 10 my dad bought me a book on QBASIC programming. After that came C. Then HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Then in college: Java, C#, Visual Basic, .NET, SQL, Linux shell scripting, and more. Throughout my career I have taken extensive notes on all kinds of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other topics. The details of all these are more than I could ever fit in my head. Let's see if I can make some of these notes public and help others besides myself. I expect this section of the website to grow rather large, so I have organized it into the sub-sections below.
Topic | Description |
Databases | Systems for storing, indexing, and retrieving information |
Git | Source code version control with git |
HTML and CSS | HTML and CSS notes (minimal, because this is a big topic) |
React Notes | Notes on the React JavaScript framework |
Docker and Containers | Overview of docker and container technogies |
Docker | Notes on docker (more technical) |
R and Docker | Notes on using R in docker images |
Regular Expression Cheat Sheet | Cheat sheet / reference for Regular Expressions |
Builder Pattern in Java | Reference code for the Builder pattern |
Corporate Proxy | How to deal with the annoying corporate proxy and firewall |
GPL Beer Clause License | A funny little software license that requires the user of the software to buy the author a beer |
The Tao of Programming | A quick little read that will make programmers smile and enjoy their nerdhood. |